What We Believe

Supremacy and oppression of all types including White Supremacy, Hetero(cis)normativity, Capitalism, Patriarchy, Ableism and Anti-Fatness makes us mad as hell and we are committed to uprooting these poisons in anyway shape or form. Instead, we crave a body positive space where our worth does not need to be proven, policed or persuaded — it is inherent.

We understand that the transformation we seek is only possible within the relationships we cultivate with each other. We live into this value by buying and learning from Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC), supporting mutual aid efforts, speaking out against inequity, unlearning harmful beliefs and behaviors, and seeking ways to be in right relationship with people and the planet.

Create More Possibilities, LLC invests 5% of company earnings into grassroots organizations and mutual aid efforts.

Making change, at any level, is rigorous work. We know that in order to do this work for the long haul, we need equal parts: growth-mindset, presence and flow. We value staying curious and believe that what we don’t know, we can learn. In a world that overwhelms our senses, we come back to the power of presence so that we can be grounded and intentional in our choices.

We celebrate the things we are doing well and seek to improve the things we are not doing so well because we are striving for alignment, not perfection. We live into this value by making amends when we fuck up, accepting that no one knows everything, leaning into vulnerability, being transparent in our communication, asking questions and learning from our missteps.

Knowing how to fill our and each other’s cups is fundamental to what we do and how we live. We reject hustle culture that normalizes scarcity, hoarding and working yourself until there’s nothing left. We give ourselves grace during difficult moments and extend compassion like we would do for a small child or our best friend.

We know we are not meant to do this life thing alone so we gravitate towards like-minded people to share the load. We live into this value by making adjustments to timelines that are not fit for a human’s pace, asking how are you forreal, reminding ourselves that there is nothing wrong with us, being mindful of the language we use and keeping up with our care practices.

Allow me to elaborate with examples