Anti-oppressive, trauma-informed and consent-based

Liberatory Leadership Coaching for BIPOC and LGBTQ+ nonprofit leaders who want to speak up authentically and confidently

(even when self-doubt may be getting in the way)

Shot of a group of businesspeople having a meeting in a boardroom


Do you give a f*ck about people and the planet?


You’re a BIPOC and LGBTQ+ nonprofit leader who has been driving meaningful change at your organization.

Maybe you’re a leader of 1 trying to make a bigger impact in the program you run and the people you serve through it.

Or maybe you’re a leader of 10 wanting to create a healthy workplace environment where your people aren’t just doing good work, but they feel good doing it.

Despite how good you are at what you do, you still don’t feel totally confident or comfortable at work.

You suspect it might be because the rooms you’re in don’t reflect your marginalized identities and experiences which is making you feel like people won’t be accepting of the real you.

You got into social change work to punch injustice in the face but it damn sure feels like sometimes you’re the one catching the punches along the way.

You’re ready to feel confident in calling shit out, calling people in or simply speaking your truth, when it comes up in the moment.

There’s something—important, necessary, maybe revolutionary—on your heart to say that you are feeling called to put out there in the world because it has the potential to change how your industry approaches your work.

You’re ready to embrace your most authentic self so that you can share your perspective freely, be an example for other marginalized leaders and even become okay with sharing parts of yourself that aren’t perfect.

One person’s experience after 6 months of Liberatory Leadership coaching

A willingness to see and share parts of myself

“I realized that for a long time, I have been stifling my creativity & not making room for queerness as a part of my identity, and that this was related to my sense of safety & belonging. It’s definitely going to be a slow process but one of my takeaways from coaching has been a renewed commitment to my creative practices of making music & writing poetry, and a willingness to see and share parts of myself with others that are “in process”.

~ Leah, Education Consultant

Dark skinned person with medium length afro writing in a notebook looking out nervously

White Supremacy, Capitalism and Patriarchy lies about there being a “RIGHT WAY” to be, to think and do things

And for us living in marginalized identities, we are made to feel like just because we don’t fit into the “mythical norm” of dominant culture that we have to abandon our most authentic and values-aligned parts of us.

It’s no wonder why self-doubt, imposter syndrome, and perfectionism come strolling in, sharing their two-cents when all you want to do is bring your whole self to your leadership.

What if more of us knew about the ways that internalized oppression was at play in keeping us quiet and our true selves hidden?

What if you naturally made decisions and took actions that were deeply rooted in your values and ethics?

Together, we can do that work.

Liberatory Leadership supports your journey in gaining confidence in your ideas and identity, reclaiming your voice, and leading authentically without self-doubt.

How do I liberate my leadership, Petra?

I facilitate experiences and events for BIPOC and LGBTQ+ nonprofit leaders to do the inner work of personal liberation as individuals and interpersonally within their teams.

I’ve learned that when we don’t do the inner work of personal liberation, we are more likely to repeat the same harms that our work is trying to heal in the world.

Liberatory Leadership Coaching for Individuals

Do you have something important to say—something that challenges the status quo—and you’re ready to say the damn thing?

Liberatory Leadership Workshops for Organizations

Are you looking for facilitation around how to translate your equity-centered values into your programs, policies, and processes?

My Name’s Petra Vega

Petra Vega is a light-skinned person with a medium-length curly afro wearing a bright yellow cardigan and a floral top.

I help BIPOC and LGBTQ+ nonprofit leaders speak up during crucial moments and meetings (even when self-doubt may be getting in the way).

How it started

I’m a Black, Queer Puerto Rican raised in a mostly White, tiny town in Upstate, NY. I grew up believing that I should be seen and not heard at home and the world pretty much agreed.

In college, I became politicized by learning about the multi-layered systems of oppression that were operating within me as an individual and outside of me in institutions. It’s very “the personal is political” over here!

The healing-centered community organizing work I was doing at that time allowed me to resist my oppressive upbringing and reclaim my voice as power.

How it's going

I started Create More Possibilities, LLC because I believe that those of us on the margins have an important role to play towards collective liberation—starting with taking back our power with our voices.

As a Liberatory Leadership Coach, I work with BIPOC and LGBTQ+ nonprofit leaders who want to speak up during crucial moments and meetings without self-doubt keeping you silent and stagnant.

My specialty is in bridging the gap between personal change and systems change by weaving an anti-oppression lens, healing tools and playful possibility into WHO we are and HOW we lead.

When you work with me, you can expect for the heavy sh*t to feel lighter

One person’s experience after a single Liberatory Leadership coaching session

Discussing difficult topics can be fun

Petra is great at guiding the conversation in the ways you need! Her personality is captivating and entertaining. Even when you’re discussing difficult topics she makes it fun!”

~ Ryann, Environmental & Social Justice Nonprofit Manager

One person’s experience after 6 months of Liberatory Leadership coaching

Doing the hard work, but having fun while doing it

“I chose Petra because of her energy and positivity. Working with Petra includes doing the hard work, but having fun while doing it. I’m walking away with impetus to take on challenges that I’m capable of, even if I’m afraid, an about page that is descriptive of my whole person and a codification of my values –something I hadn’t even realized I needed!” ~ Maggie

~ Maggie, Self-Employment Coach

3 ways to DIY more anti-oppressive practices into your leadership

Feel Good Feedback Guide

“How can I give feedback that actually helps (and that the person will actually implement)?”

Feel Good Feedback Guide

Sometimes when we give feedback, we don’t notice how it can re-traumatize or reinforce the same top-down, oppressive systems of what is and is not “acceptable”.

The Feel Good Feedback Guide includes scripts, scenarios and approaches to give consent-based, trauma-aware and generative feedback.

Shaping Change Workbook

“How can I make change with more intentionality (even though I’m only one person)?”

Maybe you’re feeling overwhelmed by how big the issues are and how small your contributions feel.

The Shaping Change Workbook will prompt you to discover innovative, nature-based approaches to create change at any scale (and it’s inspired by adrienne maree brown’s Emergent Strategy.)

YouTube Channel

“How can I integrate more liberatory and consent-based approaches into my work?”

Screenshot of YouTube Channel

Whether you’re a leader of 1 wanting to make a bigger impact or a leader of 10 wanting to create a healthy work environment, I’m offering stories, strategies, systems and supports so you can use your leadership for collective liberation.

All under 15 minutes and usually with a resource pinned in the comments.

What folks like you have to say about these resources…

after reading this guide, I feel a burdened weight removed and a weight off my shoulders that I had been carry. I am able to discern what is productive feedback and what is just plain verbal abuse tactics and maliciousness.</p>
<p>Petra’s guide gives me tangible language so if I am tangled up in my trauma and caught up in what words to use … it’s there for me
OMG I forgot to tell you… I started the feedback guide and it is GOLD! Just more than I was able to take in in one sitting, so I was waiting till I was finished to write to you but, so far, so excellent.
Grateful I got introduced to some dope reflection work today from @createmorepossibilities’ daily practice workbook. “Small is good…” Emergent Strategy principle was so like fire for me today! If you like reflection and digging deep. Check this out!